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Welcome to your United States Power Squadrons Web Portal

Bridge Message

Together, let’s make our waters safer and our organization stronger

By Ralph Bernard
Chief Commander

I would like to thank the Governing Board of United States Power Squadrons, America’s Boating Club, for having the confidence in me to lead this fantastic organization for the next year. The organization is blessed with a great team, and we will continue to advance our mission and goals.

Headquarters leadership change

As many members are aware, Headquarters Director Mary Catherine Berube has retired after serving 46 years with our organization. A search committee has been appointed by the Board of Directors to hire a new headquarters executive director. Of course, with change, there may be growing pains as we transition to new leadership at headquarters. I look forward to seeing this new chapter, and as soon as a director is hired, I will send out a communication to the membership.

Membership and marketing initiative

We have also hired a marketing firm, Marine SEO, to assist us with our efforts to tell the boating public who we are and what we have to offer. These efforts are expected to help all three tiers of our organization. Marine SEO will start a public relations campaign with new marketing and advertising and will be revamping our current website. Members of their staff attended the 2024 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, where they were eager to meet and greet many members to gain insight into United States Power Squadrons, America’s Boating Club.

Membership management suite

We have also instituted a new membership management suite, iMIS, which will make all communication easier and more efficient. This includes the ability to auto-renew dues, which will help retain members who do not renew simply because they have forgotten. It’s still a good idea for squadrons and districts to have personal contact with members, particularly those they do not see often. We should remember to invite these members to social and civic service events and ask them to take advantage of our educational courses.

iMIS microsites will be available to help squadrons and districts set up modern, branded websites. If a squadron or district prefers to maintain its own website, it can, but this gives an option for squadrons that do not have an engaging website or the personnel to develop one. Districts and squadrons will have the opportunity to post classes, civic and social events, and offer members a payment system within iMIS microsites. If squadrons and districts wish, they can post events that will be visible to all members and public visitors to the website. This will allow squadrons and districts to promote their events to other members across the country and to the public. If a member is traveling and wants or needs to interact with members of another squadron at a certain location, the information will be there. Beta testing for the iMIS system is currently underway.

Educational initiatives

The Educational Department has already updated 10 seminars, with two more nearing completion. Volunteers from that department are working hard to make all courses and seminars relevant to today’s market. Virtual learning is here, and we must embrace the concept and move forward with that reality. It allows members and nonmembers to take courses regardless of where they live. If squadrons are lacking instructors for certain courses and seminars, it's a good idea to team up with another squadron to accomplish that goal. Teaching classes with a personal touch is always a better situation, but that might not be the way some students want to take a course. We need to be inclusive to all students to achieve our mission, which is to make the waterways a safer place. We need to use all the tools we have, such as videos from America’s Boating Channel, to assist us in teaching and to remind us how to make boating a more positive experience.

Working together

Let’s work together to make our organization stronger. If we all pull in the same direction, we will be successful. Talk about us to boaters in your marina when you complete a Vessel Safety Check. Tell those boaters what our organization has to offer. Vessel Examiners have a unique opportunity to interact with people who already have boats and can add a personal touch. We have many exceptional member benefits, which could more than pay for annual dues.

Not only do we have the best educational courses available, but our members make friendships across the country that last a lifetime. I know I have. 

Let’s wear our United States Power Squadrons, America’s Boating Club, apparel and show everyone what a fantastic organization we have. Brag about what we do—from our educational offerings to our social events and the fantastic civic service we accomplish. All members will have their own niche. Give them the chance to explore that niche and, with everyone’s help, we will grow. ❖

Following in his parents’ footsteps, Ralph has been a member of Absecon Island Power Squadron/5 since 1979. Membership is a family affair that he shares with his wife, sister, brother and sister-in-law, daughter, two nieces, and grandsons. He spent 27½ years in the New Jersey State Police in assignments ranging from trooper to narcotics. He taught at the academy and oversaw training when he retired. After retirement, the U.S. Air Force veteran became a certified U.S. history teacher and coaches softball. Having held all squadron and district bridge positions, he served as Rules Committee chair before being elected to the National Bridge and now Chief Commander. He and his wife, Nance, live in Southern New Jersey and boat in Chesapeake Bay.

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